
2017 Redesign

My Role

  • Creative Direction

  • Sketches

  • Sitemap

  • Screen Flows

  • Wireframing

  • Visual Design

  • Interaction Design


In 2017, I led the effort to completely redesign the PGA Championship experience for iOS and Android. 

The app hadn’t been updated in several years. It was time for a complete rebuild.



One of my goals was to create parity between both platforms.

I wanted to keep core elements of each device present, while offering our users a more cohesive experience.

Platform Comparison for 2016

Platform Comparison for 2016

As you can see, there were glaring differences between iOS and Android;

Home screens had completely different information; layouts and icons had no connection at all.

Each design solution was tied more closely to each platform’s guidelines, instead of the experience of the PGA Championship.

2017 Sitemap for iOS and Android

2017 Sitemap for iOS and Android

I knew it was important to use the same structure for both apps, moving away from a distinctly “Android,” or “Apple” version of the PGA Championship.

2017 Wires for iOS and Android

2017 Wires for iOS and Android


iOS User Flow

2017 iOS User Flow

2017 iOS User Flow

Android User Flow

2017 Android User Flow

2017 Android User Flow

Both apps would utilize the same architecture, while maintaining core elements of each platforms.


Updated Elements for iOS

Since the Material Redesign in 2015, Android was in a better state than the iPhone experience.

Below are a few key elements that needed updating on the iOS side.

2010-2016 iPhone Design

2010-2016 iPhone Design


I saw a significant increase in engagement after we redesigned the Android app in 2015.   

Analytics reports from previous tournaments, found the home screen was one of our most engaging sections of the app. 

2017 iPhone Redesign

2017 iPhone Redesign


I created a hub for important content: Live Video, Scoring and Video on Demand. 

Users could quickly get a sense of the tournament without digging through the app.

2017 iPhone Main Screen Carousals

2017 iPhone Main Screen Carousals


I broke up each section into swipe able carousals. 

This shortened the amount of scrolling, and gave precedence to the latest and most up-to-date information. 


Live Section

2016 Segmented Live screen for iPhone

2016 Segmented Live screen for iPhone


I removed the segmented control design from 2013-16 and broke up the Live section into scrollable cards. 

Each channel now had its own card and was clear when it was live or off-air. 

This built in a sense of anticipation, showing what channels would be available later on. 

2017 Live Screen with OnAir/OffAir Cards

2017 Live Screen with OnAir/OffAir Cards


A More Unified Experience

Platform Comparison for 2017

Platform Comparison for 2017

Our user-base would no longer have two disjointed experiences of the same tournament.

The PGA Championship could now be enjoyed through a cohesive, and more accurate adherence of both platform’s respective design systems.